Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Legendary Mew Certificate of Authenticity

This is a story of how I got mine. I still have the certificate and will post a picture of it soon. The Mew I do not have anymore since I gave my Blue Version away(which I highly regret doing).

It was a cold winter in the year 2000. My friend(since she got the magazine that had articles about Pokemons) told me that there will be an event to get a Mew for real. I was overwhelmed. Her parents dropped us in the city and from there we would walk to the biggest movie theater to get our Mews. From what I know, in States you could get these Mews from toys stores but that was not the case in my country.

We found a line, a VERY long line. It took us forever to find the end of the line so we could start queuing. The line consisted mainly on 6 to 8 year old kids with their pissed off parents waiting in the cold blizzard for their turn. The kids we're getting inpatient and some were even crying. We stood in the line in hopes of having enough strength to stay in line till it was our turn. My friend was shaking in cold. There were these workers who would go around the line to make sure everyone was okay. One of them felt really bad for my friend being cold and handed us a paper that had a mail address where we would send our games to and get Mews. We were so happy we didn't have to wait anymore so we just took off.

I send my game to the place with a letter asking where could I send my movie script for Pokemon(since I was such a big fan). When I got my game back, it came with the certificate paper and in my game Mew was in my team.

There was many theories of how to get Mew in the game by cheating. I tried some to find them untrue. Way later my husband told me of a cheat that really does work in the old games. I might make a post about that later.

Here's my authentic Mew Certificate that I scanned. I blocked the numbers because I don't want someone going around with my certificate telling it's theirs or trying to sell it or whatever.

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